Notes from L.A.
Here’s my update, since I know you are all dying to know what I’m up to…despite the fact that I talk to Mom almost everyday now on my way home from work (although recently I’ve been chatting with Dad more cause he’s the one that picks up the phone!! Mom seems to always be out shopping with Jess, not that I’m jealous or anything).
Some highlights:
- My travel season is done til August, and I’ve been enjoying just being back in L.A. with friends and surprisingly haven’t gotten stir crazy or bored (yet).
- I started doing the Big Brothers/Big Sister’s program and have a new “little sister” named Summer. She is a lot of fun and we like all of the same things (mostly shopping and celebrity stalking).
- I’m doing the Revlon/EIF 5K this weekend with some girlfriends, hosted by Sheryl Crow and Mandy Moore. Last year the missionaries were at the finish line passing out medals. It was kinda cute.
- I haven’t been to Mrs. Field’s or the mall in over a month, and I’m feeling a bit of a withdrawl. I need to make a goal to get there soon…all of the wedding presents I have to buy will probably get me there shortly.
- I’ve been on employment specialist overload, with lots of people wanting to change jobs or find jobs right now and needing help…so I’ve been maximizing all of the great resume creating skills Dad taught us over the years.
- I’m heading to Utah in another week for my friend Mary’s wedding. It wouldn’t be summertime with at least one wedding to go to, right?
- I’m gearing up for June, when all of my fun summer adventures begin. First, Mexico with 30 or so of my closest friends. We’re staying in cute villas by the beach. Then lots of parties. Then our “Girls Gone Wild” weekend as my old roommate Lisa likes to refer to it…when I get my married friends away from their kids and husbands for a weekend. We go wild, if you can imagine. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Plus, I’ll get to come home and celebrate Father’s Day for the first time in years.
Overall, life is good. I can’t really complain, and it seems to get better everyday – especially cause its almost summertime!