The Smith Family Newsletter

"The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place, nor fulfill its essential functions." - David O. McKay

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hi from Mom!!

Hope everyone had a "sweet Easter". Sorry to hear that some of your candy was already melted.
I have had a really crazy week, but then again what's new?
We decided rather than spending Easter as "empty nesters" we would invite some friends over for lunch. We had The Greens and their three children, Pres. and Sister Parkinson and their newly returned missionary son and our ward Elders, Elder Weed and Elder Hilton over. We had a great time eating and getting better aquainted. Wev'e been eating the leftovers all week.

Spring has finally Sprung!! Now I remember why I like living here in The Garden State(NJ).
The daffodils, tulips, magnolia trees and forsythia are simply breathtaking. We have had sunny skies now for almost a week. I have spent a few hours in my garden and look forward to planting in just a few short weeks. The chirping birds are now waking me up in the morning and my morning run during seminary is quite enjoyable. Unfortunately my running buddies have been either out of town or injured the past few weeks.

For those of you who remember the nice man at The Station Stop I have some sad news-Tony died last week from thyroid cancer. The store was closed the day of the funeral in his honor. Many customers placed flowers outside the store. He was certainly a fixture in the neighborhood that will be missed! I used to talk about The Yankees with him and his Cronies.

Most of my spare time has been spent at Sage Eldercare this past week. I spent monday at Spend-A-Day. I am now introduced to the other clients as "the mormon". Richard, one of the clients has a son living in Salt Lake that is jewish and so every week he asks me questions about Steve Young, the Elders or the word of wisdom. I figure it can't hurt since there are a number of staff that listen to us and might learn something about our religion. Other times I have to remind them that we don't practice polygamy and have another discussion about the new show on television.

I have spent a good chunk of the week preparing for my CHOCOLATE class that I taught last night to the young women from the ward. I realized that I own at least 15 cookbooks just dedicated to Chocolate!! I went through all my favorite recipes, made cookbooks for the girls and baked about eight items for them to sample. I enjoyed the process as much as the actual class!!
There were about twenty girls and leaders in our kitchen last night for an hour and a half. I was reminded of how much I miss being part of the young womens program. Thankfully some of the girls I teach in sunday school came and were adorable. I shared a few cute thoughts about my love for chocolate
"When I die, I'm not going to be embalmed. I'm going to be dipped."

"I am a person who likes chocolate, as in I am a person who likes to breathe!

At any given moment , I can tell you the last time I had chocolate and can anticipate the next time I will have chocolate."

Did you know that in 2001 chocolate comsumption in this country was over three billion pounds.BILLIONS!!

Wish you were all living closer so you could help with the chore of eating all the leftover desserts! Fortunately tonight I am taking dinner to a family of 7 that just had another baby. They have been investigators for a few months so a week of meals ought to help.

For those of you worried about your mom and dad surviving in the event of an emergency I have just purchased a wheat grinder, 50 gallon jug for storing water, rolled oats, rice, pancake mix, and a variety of other staples. I am rearranging the shelves in the kitchen so that I can actually store more in the kitchen and less in the basement(which gets too hot and humid for food to survive). Our ward is focusing on food storage as part of Enrichment so I am trying to be Obedient.
Here is a thought to leave you with:

The sacred is in the ordinary...
in ones daily life...
in friends, family, neighbors...
in ones own backyard.
There is so much for each of us to be grateful for. This past Sunday I was reminded of the amazing gift of the Atonement that each of us has been given. It brings great peace and hope to each of us.
I hope you will attempt to seek out the sacred in your ordinary lives and remember that He lives!


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