The Smith Family Newsletter

"The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place, nor fulfill its essential functions." - David O. McKay

Monday, May 15, 2006

I survived the week!!

This past week was probably one of the busiest I have had so far! To complicate matters I came down with a stomach-like flu bug over last weekend and didn't get feeling better until Saturday morning. It reminded me how much I value my health and take for granted the fact that I am almost always energetic and rarely sick. Well, this week was the exception.

Monday evening was spent with The Mission Presidency in the Mission home. It was really inspiring to hear about so many experiences Elder Kukuchi has had with President Hinckley. We all felt a strong spirit there in the dining room and hardly let him eat. Your dad and Pres Parkinson chatted for at least another hour with him after everyone else left.

Tuesday was a normal day at Sage Eldercare with Meetings beginning at 8. I came home and went for a short run and went back for more meetings from 4-7, and then went out to dinner with a few girlfriends-a rare treat. Unfortunately the food was much too rich and I was up again most of the night for the third night in a row. The next few days I just didn't try to each much of anything to let my stomach return to normal.

Wednesday again was packed full of Strategic Planning and Personnel Meetings. I met Gina for lunch in Summit but just nibbled on a salad. I loved the short time together. We were able to catch up on one of our favorite subjects-Jessie and Karim. Afterwards I went back to Sage for more planning meetings and got home just in time to change clothes and head off for New York for a dinner with your dad and Pres Young and John Bolton. It was a really inspiring program but I was glad to head home on the train at the end of the evening! Still feeling pretty lousy with a headache that just wouldn't go away.

Thursday morning I was planning on sleeping in, but was woken up when the phone rang about 6:40 a.m. After a few seconds I realized it was Elder Scott Smith himself! He was surprised that I was still in bed. I think he was just trying to pay me back for all the times I have woken him up. Looking forward to the day that I will have that opportunity again! He was practicing with his new phone card to make sure it would work on sunday for the mothers day call. I hung up and settled back to sleep and the phone rang again a few minutes later! Yes, you guessed it. It was Scotter calling again this time wanting your dad's number. I gave it to him but told him he would be on the treadmill about now and wouldn't likely reach him.

By now I was wide awake and jumped out of bed with a smile on my face. I spent the morning cleaning and weeding the garden. I also had to make a cheesecake for Enrichment. We are submitting our favorite recipes and having a ward cookbook made. I will send copies to all of you. Enrichment was fun. Debbie Goodson demonstrated how to make the perfect loaf of wheat bread and another spanish sister taught us the ins and outs of making Enchiladas and mole sauce.

Friday I returned to a full day of meetings and didn't even make it to my tennis class. So far I have only made two out of the last four weeks. I'll keep trying. Late afternoon I decided to go buy flowers for my garden since I am really behind with my planting. I found a new garden center on Route 22. The prices are much better than Wayside Gardens. I loaded up the landcruiser with 8 large boxes of flowers and met your dad at home. We went to Verizon and bought my mothers day gift-an adorable pink razor phone. Now I just need to figure out how it works!

I went to bed with a miserable headache. I think I may have overdone it. But, Saturday I woke up after 8:00 a.m. and felt like my old self. I am now back to normal! Must have been a week-long bug of some kind. I am trying not to overdo it this time. I spent a good four hours planting all the flowers in the afternoon and then went grocery shopping and tried out recipes for the cooking class that I taught to the Adult-Day-Care clients today at Sage. I finally decided on mini cheesecakes and chocolate molten cakes. Your dad was my taste tester and tried diplomatically to tell me that my chocolate cakes just don't compare with the ones he has had at the nicer restaurants. Since most of the clients have lost a lot of their taste buds, I didn't mind.

Mothers Day was wonderful. Church was really uplifting and before we knew it we were back home waiting for the conference call with Elder Smith. The time just flew by! Can you believe we talked for almost three hours? It was great to hear from him and all of you. Thanks for all your kind words. As usual I had a bit of a meltdown once we hung up. I counted the months until we can talk to him again and cried again. Your dad barbecued some great pieces of meat though and we had a nice relaxing evening. I had a chance to talk to my mom who is visiting Laurel on her way to Las Vegas. I also talked to both K and E once more and decided not to call Jessie since she had a very busy weekdend and really needed some sleep. Imagine my surprise when she told me she had just gone sky-diving! Actually I wasn't all that surprised and really glad to hear about it after the fact.

Today I spent the morning teaching two cooking classes. We split all the clients into two and I had about 15 in each class. It was amazing to see the men volunteering to curl the chocolate and others break the eggs. I really enjoyed myself. It was much easier than teaching in the elementary school (I guess because there were a handful of aides). It was much more interesting than playing scattegories that's for sure!

Hope everyone has an awesome week. Thanks again for making my mothers day so great. Unfortunately I have almost finished off all of Jessies chocolates. I showed Elise's to all the little old ladies at Sage today. They loved them. Almost too pretty to eat.

Love and miss you all.


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