The Smith Family Newsletter

"The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place, nor fulfill its essential functions." - David O. McKay

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Update on Grandma Ewart (from Aunt Wanda)

Just a quick report on Marla - she is amazing!

Following her surgery on Monday, I spent about 5 hours in the hospital with her (until Gregg came from work), just to be sure she could get nursing help if she needed it, in case she was too medicated to ring. Yesterday had planned to spend the same amount of time, but after a couple of hours could tell she was trying to entertain me!, and thought she would rest better without me there. Though she may not think so at the moment, it seems to me she is coping much better with this knee replacement. Possibly because she knows the outcome is worth the discomfort, and the effort therapy requires. Marla and my sister, Marilyn, have been my closest, dearest friends these many, many years. I gain even greater respect and admiration for your mother as the years go by. She is one tough lady. Your telephone calls mean so much to her. I think she is so glad to know you will be living nearer. Hope you can get a good price for your lovely home, and can make the move West soon.

Love, Wanda


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